Food Delivery Sim – Update

Our first game has been submitted to Steam for review to allow users to start wishlisting! Check out our new teaser trailer below in the meantime and hope you are just excited as we are!

Food Delivery Sim – Devlog #2

The first district out of the four has almost been finished, which means we are close to finishing the first beta build that will be published to Steam. The district is around 1.3 x 1 km which will be expanded on gradually to 2.5 x 2.5km

We have also added most of the pages for the laptop and phone that the user will be using, these are: Bills page, Market page, Email page, Delivery page and also Gamble page.

Check out our very first look at the game, this is a prototype test we conducted to display what some part of the gameplay may look like. Keep up to date as we are on track to release this game in September.

Food Delivery Sim – Devlog #1

This is a game that we started on without saying much, but seems it will be either our first or second game to release as it is under active development.

Food Delivery Simulator will be a single player game that simulates the real life job accurately throughout a city with various districts.

The map is planned to be very big but may be limited in the first beta release, to be expanded later on. The game will feature a mobile phone and computer at home where the player will be able to manage their bills, emails, market, and most importantly, gamble all their earnings away!

Most game mechanics have already been implemented and are being improved/finished currently. The game graphics, buildings, traffic, NPCs will be added after the prototype testing has concluded. Expect to hear more soon!